The Astronomy Club at York University is a club organized by York University students and is dedicated to helping people learn new and interesting things about astronomy. At bi-weekly meetings, ACYU members get to listen to a guest speaker with a professional astronomical background present an interesting topic in astronomy, and get the opportunity to ask the speaker questions. Members get to meet people with like interests, go on special trips of astronomical significance, go to star parties, and more!
Meetings and events are open to everyone, but members receive priority in trips and off-campus events, and are entitled to free food and beverages at all meetings. Membership packages can be found on the membership page, and are valid for the duration of the academic year.
Meet the 2020-2021 Exec Team
Nifia Garg
Christina Nguyen
Mehrad Kazemi
Executive at Large
Manpreet Bharj
Vice President
Anas Ishtiaque
Website Maintenance and Development Executive
Laura Eliza Monroy
Treasurer, Events Photographer
Lethujan Kanagaratnam
Graphic Design Executive